Showing unique, 'Registered Design Certified' diagonal grooving system – Advantages better key for rendered surface, in addition to allowing the inner surface to breath against the sarking membrane.
Showing unique, 'Registered Design Certified' diagonal grooving system – Advantages better key for rendered surface, in addition to allowing the inner surface to breath against the sarking membrane.
NRG CR (Cavity Release)
- NRG 35 x 15 x 1200mm Batten
- NRG 35 x 25 x 1200mm Batten.
- (See 'NRG CR' Table 1.0 )
- External corners
- Option, window and door reveals (External corners)
Available in 3.5mm and 6mm render system, at 3m lengths
- Window Reveals.
- Base edge of cladding.
- Control joints.
Available in 3.5mm and 6mm render systems at 3m lengths.
- Concrete slab, rebate base starter bead.
- Timber floor: NRG base bead.
- Over lower roof base bead.
Available in 3.5mm and 6mm render systems at 3m lengths
- Horizontal control joints.
- Vertical control joints.
- Sunhood drip groove.
Available in 3.5mm and 6mm render systems at 3m lengths
- Feature Greenboard Recesses.
- Horizontal and Vertical.
- Available as 3.5mm and 6mm render systems, at 3m lengths.
- (See 'NRG Feature Panel')
UV Stablised.
PIVOTAL STEP: Adhesion of polyurethane UV stablised sealant, to all window/door joinery, relies heavily on this procedure. Failure to impliment this primer, prior to sealing, will result in inferior trade practice. Resulting in possible polyurethane breakdown. (See page 11 of NRG Specification Guide)
- Bostik Fireban One: Fire rated Polyurethane Sealant.
- Bostik Seal'n Flex: Polyurethane UV Stablised Sealant.
- Bostik Adhesive: 'No more nails' (See page 11 of NRG Specification Guide)
- Installation of both Sunhoods & Blades.
- Larger hole fillers.
- Masonary assist adhesion.
Powers – Expanded Trigger Foam
Power(s) Foam Cleaner(s)x
- 1st Coat application, together with NRG Fibreglass Mesh.
- 2nd Coat application.
Mechanical Fixings:
- Galvanised Brackets.
- Coach Screws (Timber).
- Anchor Bolts (Masonry).
- Purlin Bolts (Steel).
(See specification guide)
- 3rd Coat (Flat plastic float finish).
- Apply as final acrylic coating, over polymer modified render.
- Minimum cure time 48hrs, before paint applied finishes.
- Reinforced, alkali resistant, fibreglass 160g/m mesh.
- Lightly trowelled into 1st Polymer render coat.
- NRG Sunhoods.
- Post render, x 2 Coats.
- Pre-paint application.
Select UV Stablised product, made to adhere to cementuous based material.
Timber Fixing and Metal Fixings
• N.B. Screws are to be Galvanised or Treated (Class 3)
• All NRG PVC Washers and Fixings are required at 300mm
• Maximum centres - Refer to Page 9 DWG 1.0
• Extreme environments - consideration should be given to the use of T316 Stainless Steel Fixings
NRG Greenboard™ | Timber Framing Treated CSK Ribbed Head | Steel Framing Treated CSK Drill Point |
40mm | 10.8 x 65mm | 55mm |
60mm | 10.8 x 100mm | 75mm |
75mm | 10.8 x 100mm | 90mm |
100mm | 10.8 x 125mm | 125mm |